• September 29, 2024
    2:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Our most anticipated event of the year, the 18th Annual Forbidden Island Parking Lot Sale is coming up, Sept 28th and 29th (2pm to 7pm each day). Once again choc full of vendors from far and wide, bringing you their best in Tiki decor, mugs, vintage clothing, tiki bric a brac etc. We’ve got 16 vendors this year, between the two days. 
Table/seat reservations are open now. All table reservations are strictly for two hours.
Admission to the sale is $5 per person (for reservations) and $10 for “walk ups” without table reservations (at the door). Please note: Only guests with table reservations may order off the menu. Batched cocktails will be available at the Ku Bar for walk ups.
Please note Forbidden Island, bar and garden, are 21+
Sorry, but no pets allowed! (just way too many humans and stuff on site to take that responsibility!!)
And the 2024 Vendors are…
Rosie Reruns (mugs, tiki objects d’art, antiques, collectables)
Voodoo Doll Designs (Fabulous Accessories for Femme Fatales & Dashing Gents! Creepy, tiki, tropical, & vintage inspired! @voodoodolldesigns)
Outl1n3 Island (Hand Crafter Tiki Mugs Made In Long Beach CA, acrylic paintings, vintage clothing @outlineisland)
Relic Vintage (SF’s premier vintage clothing dealer @relicvintage)
Eric October Art (Tiki art; mugs #ericoctoberart)
Honolulu Lady (Tiki mugs, kitsch, tiki objects, collectables http://www.honolululady.org/)
Tiki Lounge Lights (Tiki inspired lamps and fixtures @tikiloungelights)
Tee-Ki Togs (handmade jewelry @teekitogs)
Patina & Rust (A curated treasure trove of lush vintage accessories and charming kitsch @patina_rust)
Tiki Taky Tu (collectables, mugs, decor @tikitackytu)
Tiki Oasis Treasures (TO Merchandise and other delights @tikioasis)
Miss P Vintage (clothing and accessories for the fashionable set @misspvintage)
Kraken Carvings (acrylic paintings and carvings, Tiki gods and Tentacles @krakencarvings)
Shipwreck (vintage goods and tiki objects d’art @shipwrecked_vintage)
Mischief (tiki rings, jewelry @mischiefworks)
Kiltkid’s Collectables (Mid century modern furniture, records, barware @kiltkidscollectibles)